Baby Dedication
Offer children back to God as an act of worship, thanksgiving and commitment.
CHILD DEDICATION We practice Child Dedication which is for parents wishing to publicly offer their children back to God as an act of worship, thanksgiving and commitment. In this simple but meaningful ceremony, we are following the example of godly parents in the Bible who dedicated their children to the Lord. See 1 Samuel 1:27 & 28. Jesus too loved the little children and blessed them. See Mark 10:13-16. We do not believe a child becomes a Christian through this or any other ceremony (such as Christening or Infant Baptism). Rather, as a child is brought up in a Christ-centered home they can learn about God and His Word and see in their parents an example of consistent Christian living - a good basis upon which they may early on in life make a personal commitment to follow Jesus. PS: Use the booking form to register your baby for dedication. Registration deadline is 1 week prior to the event.
MBCC Auditorium
49 Maxwelton Drive, Mairangi Bay, Auckland, New Zealand