4 February 2024
After the Service
30 minutes
About the Ministry:
'Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices Will be accepted on My altar; For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”'
Isaiah 56:7
As a Bible-based church, we know that without prayer, we cannot fulfil our purpose in what the LORD has called us for. Without prayer, our work will be fruitless. For this reason, we have several prayer initiatives at MBCC. One such initiative is our Ministry Prayer Team that is made up of dedicated volunteers committed to providing personal prayer for our members and visitors.
Praying with someone about something that is on your heart makes all the difference. We feel that it is important to offer those attending our services and gatherings the chance to seek prayer for personal needs, to pray through concerns for others, or simply to share in giving thanks for God's blessings and goodness. When visiting us, you are very welcome to ask for personal prayer after each service. Our Prayer Team Members are trained, accountable and follow MBCC's policy on prayer ministry.
For more information (members and visitors) or to join a Ministry Prayer Team (MBCC members only), contact our church office.