Marriage Course
Course Duration:
9 Weeks
FREE with workbook and toolkit: $60 per couple
About the Course
Love in marriage can be deeper and more selfless than in any other relationships;
Married life is complete and cannot be dichotomized
God's purpose and perfect will for marriage
Practical, simple, direct teachings according to the Words
Apply and live out
A harmonious life between husband and wife is the key to a Christian family, rebuilding the relationship between parents and children, as well as finding your unique identity in Christ.
神设立婚姻的目地, 神完美的旨意
Many misfortunes and tragedies have been brought to this world due to conflicts between husband and wife. It has caused unforgettable grief to many men, women, and children! The Bible provides the solution; “The Holy Spirit He “convicts one of sin, of righteousness, of judgment.”
The Holy Spirit was sent to renew humanity, to give a new nature, a new heart, a new perspective, a new everything.
He helps promote our sanctification, govern us, and enable us to live the life God wants us to live.
The Holy Spirit bears the fruit of the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit is “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.”
师;圣灵: “祂叫人为罪,为义,为审判,自己责备自己”。

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John & Vyviane

The Heart Works (THW)-Marriage, an intensive 9-week+a weekend away designed to strengthen marriages as well as take marriages to a higher level.
从心开始 – 婚姻作坊,一个为期 9 周 + 一个周末“灵里链接”的密集课程,旨在加强需要帮助的婚姻,并将婚姻提升到更高的水平。
John and Vyvianes’ marriage were broken but made beautiful by God in 2010. (Eccl. 3:11) With the help of Holy Spirit, we are thankful that we are not justified by my own actions, but the actions of our Savior.
Holy Spirit has enable us gather our broken pieces, every single one, and drop them at the feet of the only One that can piece back together.
We’ve learnt that neglecting the broken parts of our story doesn’t allow people to see all the ways our faithful God has been at work for us. He doesn’t cover over our cracks and breaks. He mends them in such a way that the light can still shine through. Only God can do that. We can rejoice in our sufferings because it brings endurance, which brings character, which brings hope, and hope doesn’t put us to shame. (Roman 5:3-4)
Hope we always be those that tell our whole story to see Jesus wholly woven within it and continue to learn to apply God’s words into all aspects of our life as Romans 5:5 says:Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Who Are We
2010 我们的婚姻接着一连串的不谅解,自私和背叛而破裂,因为无法处理便逐渐不提,不处理,家庭也充满竞争,冲突,不
圣灵使我们能够将每一个碎片带到神的宝座前,把破碎的婚姻,以祂的光拼凑起来,转变为配得荣耀神的器皿。(传道书 3:11)
的。(罗马书 5:3-4)
大祝福!正如罗马书 5:5说:而这盼望不使人羞愧,因为神的爱藉着所赐给我们的圣灵,已经倾注在我们的心里。