Wendy Liu
Wendy Liu
Chinese Pastoral Care Worker
Wendy was born in China and came to New Zealand in June 1994. That same year she came to faith in the Lord.
She graduated from New Covenant Bible College in 1999. She is married to Jack Wei and they have two daughters, Gloria and Grace. For many years Wendy served as a church worker with New Hope Chinese Church in Auckland. She also served for a time as the Manager of Christian (Chinese language) Newspaper, Morning Star.
She has also been involved in the planning and running of major inter-church events sponsored by Chinese Churches. She began her present ministry with MBCC in January 2015, focusing on pastoral care for our Chinese-speaking members. Wendy is currently busy with her Masters Degree in Theology.
Wendy Liu (刘文华)出生于中国大陆,1994年6月移民新西兰,同年信主。1999年毕业于New Covenant Bible College New Zealand。与丈夫魏建和育有两个女儿Gloria & Grace。Wendy 曾担任奥克兰新希望中国教会传道、基督教晨星报行政主任。及参与组织安排一些大型华人教会联合特会。2015年一月正式加入MBCC,任华语传道,负责教会华人弟兄姊妹的牧养关怀。