Drive Thru Prayer
Jesus commanded us to go: Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. Matthew 10:8
Here's a great opportunity for us to do that & practice what we've learn in church every Sunday.
When: Fortnightly, from 1 pm on Sundays
Where: at the bus stop on East Coast Road between Rangitoto College & Rosedale Road
RSVP: Please sign up at this link for the days you're able to serve, so Carolina can know who's on the team & when you're available.
The more of us who are willing to join the team, the less frequently each person has to be there.
Consistency is key, so let's get involved & go shine Christ's light to the community by being willing to go pray for those in need. Remember, for some this may just be the lifeline they need to keep going.