Baptism Class
DEAD to sin - ALIVE to Christ
Service Description
About Baptism We practice believers baptism by immersion, believing it to be an important step of obedience and confession for the believer. We do not believe baptism saves – only Jesus saves! These are the commitments taken by the baptismal candidate: Pastor : [Candidate's Name], do you renounce and turn from all evil? Candidate: I do! Pastor: Do you trust in Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour? Candidate: I do. Pastor: Do you promise to follow and obey Him for the rest of your life? Candidate: I do. Pastor: Upon confession of your faith, and at your own request, in obedience to the command of Jesus, I now baptize you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. PS: If there is a sudden influx of new believers that would like to be baptised, we will arrange additional baptism services. Wanna be baptised? Please register below.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
MBCC Auditorium
49 Maxwelton Drive, Mairangi Bay, Auckland, New Zealand