About the Ministry:
Who we are
‘Friends of Cambodia’ (FOC) is a group of people who are dedicated to reaching out to the people in Cambodia in very practical ways. The team is made up of members from a number of churches in New Zealand, Australia and Malaysia and we are very grateful for the base that we have in Mairangi Bay Community Church. The team goes to Cambodia once a year.
What we do in Cambodia
Reaching out | Digging wells for fresh drinking water | Medical aid | Life transformation
Our aim is to reach out to the people in Cambodia through a number of ways. Apart from the spiritual aspects of caring, the team has been involved in the practical demonstration of Christian love and care. To date, more than 530 hand-pump wells have been installed in many villages in Cambodia, providing access to clean water.
Clean water is essential for improved health and we are delighted to be able to be involved in this area. Each well costs US$200 and every cent donated for the cause in Cambodia goes to Cambodia. Additionally every year the team has been able to provide medical aid to thousands of people in the villagers. FOC has a group of Cambodian doctors with whom we partner. In some remote villages, we have been told that our arrival could be the only time in the year that the villagers are able to get medical help. The team has been instrumental in providing reading glasses as well as money required for surgical operations and hospitalization. We have also seen cases of miraculous healings as people are prayed for.
Another aspect of the work is that FOC has been instrumental in changing the futures of a number of Cambodians through education. We have supported a number of young bright but poor Cambodians through various forms of education, including university, thus enabling them to have well-paying jobs post study.
What you can do to help
* Donate a well: Each well costs US$200 (or about NZ$280) * Donate towards medicines: Any amount
How to donate
Although the team is represented by members from various churches, Mairangi Bay Community Church (MBCC) has kindly agreed to accept all donations for Cambodia. MBCC (http://www.mairangichurch.org.nz) is a registered church (charitable organization) and you can transfer your donation to the following account number:
Mairangi Bay Community Church account: 12-3050-0301948-03
Reference must state: the name of the donor and also 'Camb Wells' (for example, you might reference it as JDonorCambWell1) or General if you are giving a donation for the funding of medical supplies.
100% of your donation will go to Cambodia. Please note that since your donation will be going offshore, your gift will not qualify for any tax rebate.
In the event that you decide to have a well installed in Cambodia please do let us know what sort of wording you would like to have in the plaque that accompanies the well.
Feel free to contact Dr John Tan at jt4cam@gmail.com for more information about Friends of Cambodia.