This week we complete the UNashamed lessons by Sandra Selmer-Kersten from House of Nacham. Next week we start a 7-week long series on Identity & Destiny.
The Heart of a King: God is preparing His heroes... Who am I?; Why am I here?; Why was I created?
Kings & Queens in Ill-Fitting Armour: What armour are you wearing to protect your heart from the blows of life?
Lies that Silence our Song: What lies have you come to believe about yourself, others & God that are keeping you stuck in your trauma?
Dragon or Dragon Slayer?: Do you know WHO your really are?
Vessels Fit for the Master's Use: As Kingdom people we are called to RULE & REIGN. Are you passive or passionately pursueing your purpose in the Kingdom?
Let the Sleeping Giant Rise: The story of Sleeping Beauty is a pricture of us - the CHURCH.
Corporate Prayer & Demonstration: Soaking prayer and a short demonstration of what a prayer ministry session looks like.
Updated: Oct 12, 2024
Have you always wanted to learn to paint but thought you can't or aren't good enough?
Come join us for a fun time to mingle with other creatives whilst producing a personal work of art to take home! This is not about fine arts or perfect painting, but merely for fun, fellowship & building community.
This week we completed the keynote lessons from Elijah House A-School. Next week we start a 7-week long series on SHAME, how to recognise it & how to heal it.
1. The Weight of Shame: Shame is a powerful emotion. It often feels heavy, like an anchor tied to our self-worth. When we experience shame, it can affect our thoughts, decisions, and even physical sensations. Shame is stored in the gut, and interestingly, there’s some scientific basis for this. The gut-brain connection is real, and emotions can manifest physically in our bodies.
2. Guilt vs. Shame: There's an important distinction between guilt and shame. Guilt is related to our actions—it’s about feeling remorse for something we’ve done. In contrast, shame goes deeper; it’s about our identity and self-perception. Feeling like “I am a mistake” rather than “I made a mistake” can be incredibly damaging. Recognising this difference allows us to address shame more effectively.
3. Healing from Shame: Dealing with shame involves both self-awareness and self-compassion.
SHAME kept me stuck in trauma because I wouldn't ask for help, both because of my inner vow not to ask for help, the shame associated with my issues & the fear of rejection & abandonment if people saw the real me. It causes us to wear the "I'm fine!" mask even when deep down we're falling apart. I've been there & mastered that for most of my life. Only when the pain outweighs our shame will we be willing to deal with our issues.